Health, Safety & Wellbeing Policy

Health, Safety & Wellbeing Policy

Access NZ 2005 Ltd is in the business of creating, protecting, and improving the value of property for private and public-sector landlords. Activities at Access NZ 2005 Ltd include but are not limited to Project Management and Construction, Facilities Management and Services, Building and Property Maintenance, Industrial Abseiling, Waterproofing and Metal Roofing. This policy is relevant to all the activities conducted by Access NZ 2005 Ltd and their contractors.

Access NZ 2005 Ltd is committed to:

  • creating a safe and healthy working environment
  • prevent work-related injuries or ill health of our employees, customers, contractors, visitors, and communities that may result from the companies Health and Safety risks and opportunities relevant to the business.
  • eliminate hazards and reduce health and safety risks by implementation of processes for hazard identification that is ongoing and proactive.
  • comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, including other relevant health and safety laws, regulations, standards, and guidelines applicable to the purpose, size, and context of the organisation.
  • consultation and participation of workers, and worker representatives.
  • This policy will be communicated to all workers and contractors during induction and will be displayed on the company notice boards. This policy will be made available on the company website to ensure availability to all other interested parties.
  • Providing a wellbeing strategy, policies and procedures that identify hazards, assess risk, and eliminate or minimise psychological risks in the workplace. Establishing and maintaining initiatives that enhance mental health and wellbeing e.g. EAP available for all employees at no cost; Mates in Construction.

Access NZ 2005 Ltd has set health and safety objectives to maintain and continually improve the health and safety management system in accordance with this policy. Monitoring and evaluation of these objectives will be conducted bi-annually as part of the organisations commitment to continual improvement of the health and safety management system.

In conjunction with this policy, a series of procedures on specific health and safety matters will be prepared, consulted on and issued.

Health and safety at work is both an individual and shared responsibility of all workers and contractors. The following areas of responsibility are essential to the success of the policy:

Senior management is required to actively pursue the goals of this policy through the following approaches:

  • Devising and administering a comprehensive health and safety risk management program;
  • Devising and administering a return-to-work program;
  • Holding regular senior management and supervisor meetings to discuss health and safety performances; and
  • Taking effective action to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions for all workers and others affected by the organisation’s undertaking.

Managers and Supervisors will be held accountable for working conditions under their control and for the extent of information, instruction, training, and supervision given on health and safety matters to workers and others. They are to provide the initiative and follow-up action to maintain this policy within their own areas.

Workers (including contractors) share responsibility for their own safety and that of their co-workers and others affected by work practices. The success of this organisation’s health and safety program rests on the willingness of everyone to cooperate and work collectively to eliminate, minimise, and control health and safety risks.

Health and safety representatives and the health and safety committee is supported by management and workers.

This organisation is committed to effective consultation and engagement with workers on work health and safety matters. We recognise that there are times that we share a primary duty of care with other duty holders in regard to our workers health and safety and therefore we are committed to consult, cooperate and coordinate activities with other duty holders to produce the required health and safety outcomes.

This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it is relevant and appropriate to the business.

The Policy will be updated as part of the organisations commitment to continual improvement.